Thursday, 31 March 2011

questionaire (Greg)

How has Michael Pollan changed the way you think about food? 
*Well honestly I had no idea about grass feeding or even what pasture was till I read this book, so I guess I learned a lot from his experience on Polyface farms
Will you make any changes in your eating habits?
*Its hard having a proper diet with all the distractions and lack of money in college but I will make an effort to do the best I can

Do you agree or disagree with Michael Pollan?
*For the most part I do agree with him, I cant think of anything that he has said that i was against 

How do you feel about monocultures as they relate to crops? 
*Im not sure exactly how I feel about this. its really about efficiency vs quality. there should be a a point where we can have both

What is an “industrial eater”?
 *Im guessing it is someone who eats all the cheap food that gets produced by industrial farms

What health problems can be linked to modern food production? 
*Certian types of cancer has been linked to industiral food. Not sure how true it is but its worth checking into
What concerns you about the way you eat or the way your food is created? 
*If i could I would grow most of my food but i just can't so  I try to worry about how much bad fat I am consuming and sodium is another concern i have, they use soo much salt to perserve foods these days apon other things

Is the capitalistic model (getting the most from the least) a good one for food production?
*its debatable but I think its wrong. We are gambling with what we are consuming and future generations will suffer due to the fact of our need for instant gratification 

What’s a “grass farmer”?
 * a grassfarmer is a farmer that has a cycle on their farm where they take energy from the sun and directly transferes it to the animal. but mainly a farmer who concentrates heavily on grass production as a source of food.

Have you ever grown your own food? Has that changed the eating experience?
*I have grown my own food for many years but not recently. and it was much tastier then anything store bought I found. plus If we needed it for cooking all we had to do was grab it from the garden.

How safe is our food supply?
*I dont think it is all that safe. Look at the health problems that affect north americans the most and compare them to a country or community that eats only organic. point proven 

What do you think should be the proper role of government in deciding how we grow, process, and eat our food? 
*I don't think it will make a difference much anyways how involved they get, they are all controlled by corperations anyways, infact it may make it worse if there is more involvement.

  Does the way we eat reflect our collective values? 
*Yes i think it does, we have become a society that requires instant gratification and we only think about now and not later so we do not see the consequences when we eat something that we know isnt good for us.
Is “Eating an agricultural act”?
*eating can be. Im not even sure how to answer this.

How did the stories of George Naylor in Iowa, Joel Salatin at Polyface, or Angelo Garro in northern California help Michael Pollan to understand and communicate his subject? 
*for Joel, it showed us that it is possible to have true organic farming in an industrial world that may not be as efficient but can produce high quality products  

What do you like or dislike about Michael Pollan?
*I like that he can write a book that keeps me interested. also he put the food industry into a whole another perspective for me

What would you cook if Michael Pollan were coming for dinner? 
*The better question is would he cook for me? I don't know i guess kinda of an odd question

Are there problems with the consumer costs of industrial food vs the costs of food from smaller mixed farms?
 * Yes there is and its because we grew up from a model that has existed from the industrial revolution. so we have never been use to actually spending real money on food and only pocket change

Does the North American diet differ from the diets of other countries?
*I would only imagine it does because of the health issues we have here and if you look at the french and what they eat, it seems like such a bad diet but they are a much thinner country then ours.


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